The Retreat Experience: Astrology Reading

Everything you need to know about your retreat.

Explore the astrology chart for your retreat to get clear on every detail from the content and marketing strategy to who this retreat is for and understanding the essence of the retreat itself. 

We will explore the themes for each new and full moon over the next 6 months, which gives you rich details on what to focus on while promoting your retreat as well as embracing the essence of the retreat itself, so that you not only sell out your retreat but create such deep community and support for those attending. 

We'll create a guide-map for the next 6 months to deeply support you and your retreat, with clarity and perspective each step of the way.  

What happens you align with the astrology of your retreat:

  • create the most aligned and potent marketing content for promoting your retreat
  • allow creative inspiration to flow through you so that each piece of content you share is in deep alignment
  • become magnetic to dream clients for your retreat 
  • meet any challenge with clarity and perspective to hold the vision
  • feel at ease knowing you have an in-depth guide-map to support you

What you'll receive:

  • 90 minute Private Astrology Reading via Zoom 
  • 1 month check-in (15 minutes) for integration and extra support
  • Copy of your retreat chart 

Your personalized guide map will deeply support you and your retreat in the coming months. I cannot wait to see what is about to unfold for you! 

Let's Begin. 

Click Here to upgrade to the Retreat Bundle

$444.00 USD