Yes, I am in!

Imagine waking up in the morning, feeling deeply supported and nourished in your business. You don't have to reach for your computer to "get a head start" because everything is already running seamlessly. You are SO supported in every way. 

The more you lean into your natural rhythm and what feels good for you, the more your business flourishes.

You are able to deeply enrich the lives of more and more woman and grow your business without any push or hustle.

Your default is a calm nervous system and deep, fulfilling pleasure-filled work. 

You are supported, thriving, and absolutely radiant in every aspect of your life. Because when your business is thriving, it ripples out into everything you do. 

This is what it looks like to lead from the womb. Luminary Mastermind is the womb-led mastermind that combines feminine wisdom & business strategy so that you can express & amplify your work in the world with ease, clarity and more impact than ever before. 

Luminary [noun] : a person who inspires or influences others; a leading light.

Let the womb lead you to the most abundant, fulfilling & ease-filled era in your business. 

You know your magic, you know the potency of your work... AND you know there is more. You know you are meant to impact more lives, unlock the next level of wealth with ease and share your work in the world in a way that feels so naturally, pleasurably fulfilling.

To create the impact that you are called to bring into the world, with the financial abundance that allows you to be of even greater service.

In Luminary Mastermind we create the most grounded, nourishing space for your work in the world to flourish. So that you feel supported- financially, emotionally and physically- allowing you to share your gifts and magic at the next level of what you know is possible. 

Your womb is the key to ALL that you desire to create.

Leading from the womb is a different way to lead a business. To create from this place, to trust in this part of you so deeply… it creates an unwavering, steady, calm within self that the world can't help but magnetize to. 

Your business (and therefore life) is about to get magically, wildly even better.

The Luminary Strategy:

  • Womb-led: following the wisdom of your body & your natural cycles— your body knows how to create and birth, it is a sacred process that we are remembering on a deep, energetic level.
  • Cosmic insight: your astrology chart is a powerful tool and guide map in your business. It holds the blueprint for your unique cycles and is something we will come back to again and again.
  • Clear strategy: A solid structure and strategy is foundational for your business to run seamlessly. We make sure all the pieces are in place, in the simplest, most effective way so that your business runs smoothly. 
Yes, this is for me!

The creative process is a birthing process.

From the inception point, to the growth, to labor and then nurturing your offers and your business, it is a process. 

If you were birthing a human baby you would most likely want a midwife and doula with you at your birth, to support you, guide you, and ultimately remind you that you are a powerful, wise woman, whose body knows how to birth, knows how to create.

Your business is no different. You can do it alone, but it is so much easier when you are deeply supported. 

This is what I'm here for, to hold the vision for your work in the world with so much Love and make the process of bringing that vision to reality so much easier than it would have been on your own.

What you'll receive inside Luminary Mastermind: 

  • 6 months of high level support in your business
  • 3 Mastermind calls per month with 1-1 coaching:
    • 1x Embodiment Support call per month
    • 1x Womb-led Strategy call per month
    • 1x Astrology Lab call per month
  • A private group chat in WhatsApp for hands-on support between calls & community connection 
  • (1) 90 minute astrology reading with Alexis for a deep dive into the energetics & structure of your business plus a look at your 6-month astrology guide map 

No matter what arises in your business, you will be so supported.

>> Doors open at the beginning of each month

Luminary is a rolling mastermind container, meaning the doors will open at the start of each month, depending on how many seats are filled. It felt so important to follow this structure, knowing how the feminine creates and because we are each on our own unique timeline with our own unique cycles.

It is a deep YES in my body!

A taste of what's possible: 

✔️ Offers that create themselves (the name, content, the next steps literally falling into your lap)

✔️ Sold out launches that feel so aligned and so good

✔️ More pleasure in receiving & DEEP pleasure in your work

✔️ The most delicious, soul aligned brand design created from the womb

✔️ Consistent income to support you so that you can be of the highest service for your work in the world 

✔️ Removing the pressure of timelines by honoring your natural cycles of creation

✔️ Alchemizing the most challenging moments in your business to pleasure 

✔️ Womb aligned content strategy with a clear mission

✔️ And so much more. This is the gift of the feminine... the ability to move with and hold whatever arises!

The next level of pleasure & possibilities in your business awaits. 


Welcome to your next level of radiance.


The investment:

Pay In Full: $7k 

Investment Plan: $1,250 monthly x 6 months

Apply Here
Let yourself be deeply supported in Luminary Mastermind— leading your business from the intuitive wisdom of your womb, creating from pleasure, honoring your unique process of creation, activated & held by the embodied women around you.


Looking for additional support? A Luminary is Scholarship is offered every 6 months to support one Luminary goddess in expanding her business. Apply for the Luminary Scholarship below

Luminary Scholarship

Welcome! I'm Alexis...

As a former pharmacist turned Mystic, I believe in doing things a little differently. I love the practical, tangible and analytical world... when it's combined with the intuitive, mystical and creative world beyond the logical mind. 

Through Astrology, Feminine Embodiment & Womb Wisdom I support women and guide them back to the most powerful creative energy they each hold— within. 

Walking the path of the feminine is a wild one, but it also holds the most pleasure, the most abundance and the most freedom to be fully YOU. 


What women are saying:

"Before joining Luminary, I was just getting my business started and needed guidance on creating in a sustainable, feminine-led way. I was having a hard time feeling sure of myself, my magic, and my creations.

Luminary helped me to connect with the voice of my womb and allowed me to birth my first collection of herbal products that was highly aligned with my vision. I was able to speak to my creations with such clarity. Everything was made so easy!

I feel so much more grounded in my business as I now have a creation process that works for me! I’m so looking forward to even more growth. Thank you Alexis for being a wonderful mentor and guide!"

— Sam

“Every time I get on one of these calls it gets right down to the essence and makes me feel like I can go back out there and do what my soul is calling me to do.”

— Bridget

Let's Begin