Enter into a state where clarity, creative inspiration & new perspectives flow in with ease.


All you need is 10 minutes a day.


You don't need to go on a week-long meditation retreat in the mountains to find yourself. What's more important than your location is the desire to connect with yourself, to ignite that spark within you, to discover parts of yourself in a new way. 

Giving yourself these 10-15 minutes each day allows you to hit pause, take a break from your busy schedule and to-do lists and shift into a more connected, grounded, present version of yourself.

It allows you to feel more connected to your intuition, ignites your creativity and see things from a new perspective.

Just 10 minutes can make all the difference in the world! 



Meditation Series


These guided meditations are where you can go for guidance, insights, inspiration and connection to the most important person, you

We hold within us a truly magnificent and radiant space, a space that holds deep, deep wisdom and knows the exact gem of insight we need in any moment, I call this space the Inner Temple.

It requires slowing down and deeply listening, beyond the constant chatter and restlessness of the mind. It’s in this space, in our inner temple that we find the real wisdom. 

When you give yourself the space to open its doors and listen, life opens up for you in ways you can’t even imagine. New creative projects emerge, you receive the clarity around your next step in your work, you see your current situation from a new perspective... life begins to flow with new creativity, aliveness and ease. It feels like a breath of fresh air! 


Take a look inside:

Meditation #1

— Release

Allow yourself to let go of the stresses of your day and release all that you are carrying.

Meditation #2


Energetic Spa Day. Releasing on a deeper level.

Meditation #3

— Create 

Visioning a life you would love. Connect to your vision & open to insight that inspires you as you move forward. 

Meditation #4

— Connecting to Truth

When we connect to a dream or vision doubts will often follow, so identifying and removing limiting beliefs is key.

Meditation #5


There is always a next level of worthiness, self-love and compassion that we can touch into. Open to receive the exact message you need in this moment.

Meditation #6


Connect to your own radiance and ignite that spark within you, allowing you to be fueled from within and move through life with so much more energy. 

Meditation #7

—Coming Home to Self

Remembering and reclaiming of all the parts of you.

Walk away feeling:


✔️ Rejuvenated & ready to ignite a new spark of inspiration into your day

✔️ More connected to yourself and your intuition

✔️ Aligned, centered and grounded, bringing more ease & flow to your day

✔️ Connected to your vision for life & your work in the world with more clarity than ever before

A Journey Home to Self Meditation Series


  • Instant Access to 7 Guided Meditations

  • Lifetime access

  • Go at your own pace

Yes! I'm in!

What people are saying:


“I had really big insights come through that has since radically shaped my creative and business endeavors in new exciting ways!” 


"Each time I listened it was exactly what I need at that time. It gave me some different insights and I was able to have ideas come to me that helped inspire me to think about things in a different way. It felt really supportive and nurturing."


"It didn’t feel like I had to come with any kind of agenda, it felt like I could just show up wherever I was and press play and I got exactly what I needed at that moment from that meditation."


"They were like micro-dose meditations, short and sweet, but so impactful."


"I’m excited to go back through and listen to them again, and let this be part of a rotation of meditations that I do to support coming to the center of myself and seeing things differently or being at peace with things."


"I did a couple before bed and I rested so well those nights. And others I did in the morning before my work day and it felt really grounding. It was really wonderful."

No matter where you are in your journey, whether you're new to meditation or are deeply connected to your meditation practice, these guided meditations are a tool and doorway in to what you are needing right now.

You're able to receive what it is that you need in that moment, rather than trying to figure it out on your own, from the mind. 

I myself come back to these meditations when I'm needing clarity and am always amazed at the insights that unfold, simply by giving myself this space to listen and receive. 

These meditations are something that you can come back to again and again.

If you're feeling the call, know there is something waiting for you.


When your world moves too fast
and you lose yourself in the chaos,
introduce yourself
to each color of the sunset.
Reacquaint yourself with the earth
beneath your feet...
Find yourself in the appreciation of life.

- Christy Ann Martine