Click to Claim Your Spot

Imagine taking a bite of the most decadent, delicious chocolate fudge cake you have ever tasted...

how it ignites all your senses & makes you feel so alive... 

that's what exploring the Dark Feminine is like.


This could be your reality— the EASE that comes from playing with your own dark feminine, discovering the GIFTS she has for you, the KEYS she will literally throw at your feet to open all the doors to your wildest dreams. She WANTS you to have it all.

It gets to be playful as you unleash her and discover within her many treasures all that you truly desire.


Exploring The Dark Feminine

A 3-day workshop for the woman who is ready to open to her desires, claim what is hers and invite more ease into her life by doing so.

  • Explore your Dark Feminine through a guided activation & embodiment practice 
  • Discover insights through the Dark Feminine in your astrology chart
  • Integrate with Q&A
I'm In!

The unexpected methodology of combining the Dark Feminine & Ease is what I know women are craving...


I’ve been exploring this for the past year and a half… trying it, living it… and I whole heartedly believe this is GOLD.

I’ve found (and it’s true for my clients as well) that the more ME I become, tearing down old beliefs of who I am, letting go of others expectations, speaking my truth, choosing what I do based on what feels good, enjoying the EROS of life… the more EASE & pure joy I experience every. single. day.

The more I’m gifted with opportunities, abundance and so many moments that have me saying “YESS, more of this please!”

I feel like I’ve cracked a magical code that has me dancing in excitement quite literally every day.

And it has the dark feminine written all over it.

She is that part of you that is dying to be uncaged, set free and bring you EVERYTHING you could ever desire. When you work with and open to this part of you, life becomes like a delicious 5 course meal in the most exquisite Michelin Star restaurant. 

There is no limit, no ceiling on how much decadence she delivers.

It’s juicy, delicious, FUN and it feels oh so good.

Are you Ready to Unleash her?

Yes, I'm in!

The Process 

Method 1: Explore

Let your Dark Feminine be expressed through a guided activation & embodiment practice. 

Method 2: Discover

Learn about the Dark Goddesses in your astrology chart

Method 3: Integrate

Group discussion + Q&A to help you understand your unique expression of the Dark Feminine. 


This is for you if:


✔️ You are ready to express a new level of authenticity through your work

✔️ You're craving deeper connection & intimacy in your relationships—both friendships & romantic partnerships

✔️ You desire a more loving and confident relationship with your body

✔️ You are ready to let go of the struggle and embody the empowered woman who claims what she wants with ease 


Join me for a 3-day workshop on Oct 25, 26 & 27 to explore the depth & deliciousness that the Dark Feminine has to offer.


**Whether you attend live or watch the replays, they are both equally potent. Recordings will be available shortly after each live so you can explore in your own time. 


If you're feeling the call, know there is something waiting for you. 

Claim Your Spot

Pay In Full


  • 3 Live Workshops
  • Replays + Lifetime Access
  • Live Q&A (Questions can be submitted for those unable to attend live)
Yes, I am in!

Need a payment plan? Click Here

Workshop Dates & Times:

Day 1: October 25, 2022 at 6pm EDT

Day 2: October 26, 2022 at 6pm EDT

Day 3: October 27, 2022 at 6pm EDT



To that wild, primal call within you.
That powerful force within you, dying to be let out of its cage.
Calling to express & be seen in all its naked wildness.
Calling for play & exploration.
Calling to be known, so deeply & fully, so completely.
She is your dark feminine & she is ready
to be unleashed.