Yes! I'm so ready!

It’s your year to thrive… more abundant and expansive than ever before, with astrology as your guide.

It is saying yes to vision becoming your reality, for miracles, for deep clarity as you share your work in the world in the most magnetic and true to YOU way.


You already know, you hold all the answers you could ever need within. Astrology simply holds the keys that allow that knowing to OPEN with ease. Reminders that lead to deep insight and new perspectives that bring immense clarity, allowing you to flourish and lead your business as the fierce AF goddess that you are.    

You are meant to feel supported and abundantly provided for as you create the empire of your dreams. When you create from your most authentic state, in sync with your desires, in alignment with the cosmic energies, your business flourishes, effortlessly… because you are meant to THRIVE. 

Each month we'll explore a different astrological key in your chart to support you exactly where you are and work with the current energies. Allowing you to bring your visions into reality in the most effortless, magnetic, natural way.  

Welcome Cosmic Queen.

For the woman called to the sacred remembrance held in her body and alignment to her highest potential in this lifetime, guided by the ancient wisdom of the Cosmos.

A remembering that comes from a wisdom beyond the mind, reminding you how to create, work, and be, in a way that is as natural as breathing.

Inviting in more ease, flow and pleasure by unlocking your unique codes of abundance and power held within.

Your astrology chart is a guide-map. Inside Cosmic Queen we will explore a different key in your chart each month and bring it down into the body to be expressed, supporting you in the expansion of your business, your gifts, and your natural state of abundance. 

As above, as below. 

I can feel it, I am in!

Let your unique astrology chart guide you to your highest timeline.


Explore a different part of your astrology chart each month and receive the deepest support & immense clarity in whatever you are currently navigating in your business and life.

Combined with a powerful guided womb activation, each month you will walk away with deep clarity and insights that align you with your most authentic, fully expressed & abundant self.  

Embodiment of your Astrology Chart

Explore how your natal placements impact your business, wealth & expression of your natural gifts.


Womb Guidance

Connect to the power of your own wisdom & knowledge center through powerful womb meditations to guide you in business. 


Soul Aligned Community

The power of community & connection with other like-minded goddesses embodying their highest expression and rising, together. 


Clarity + Cosmic Wisdom 

Translate cosmic insights into practical next steps that support bringing your highest, most authentic expression into reality. 

Step inside for:

  • powerful activations of your most liberated & wise AF self 
  • expanding into new depths of your gifts & medicine 
  • the ability to hold unwavering calm and trust throughout ANY experiences in life 
  • aligning to your next level of wealth & capacity to hold more 
  • clarity in your business & effortless creative flow 
Yes, I'm ready!

The magic you'll have access to: 

Monthly Astrology Calls & Embodiment Activations

Each month we will dive into a different part of your chart so you can navigate the current astrological transits with clarity & flow! 

Monthly Meditation

Receive a recorded audio activation each month. These short but powerful amplifiers help to support you in alignment with the current astrology. 

Private WhatsApp Chat

This is a space for community and where Alexis will share astrological updates, answer all your astrology questions & more!

+ BONUS: Monthly guest speakers in Reiki, RRT, Breathwork, Sound healing and more! 

Cosmic Queen is a 1 year astrological exploration, held in a powerful community of feminine leaders.Welcome to a year of deep clarity in your business and life. 

It is a deep YES in my body!



per month x 12 months

  • 1 year full access
  • Monthly Zoom call + Content Library

  • Monthly Activation Audio Recording 

  • Private WhatsApp Chat 

Yes! I'm in!

1 Year PIF


One time payment

  • Immediate $168 in savings
  • 1 year full access
  • Monthly Zoom call + Content Library

  • Monthly Activation Audio Recording 

  • Private WhatsApp Chat 

YES, please!

Welcome! I'm Alexis...

A feminine embodiment & womb-led business mentor whose mission is to guide a collective remembrance of pleasure & power. 

As a former pharmacist turned Mystic, I love weaving the esoteric with the practical, especially when it comes to the wisdom of astrology.

Through Astrology, Feminine Embodiment & Womb Wisdom I support women and guide them back to the most powerful creative energy they each hold— within. 

My medicine is dropping you back into connection with your feminine essence so that you can activate pleasure & massive abundance in every area of your life. 

Walking the path of the feminine is a wild one, but it also holds the most abundance and the most freedom to be fully YOU.

Example of what we'll explore inside Cosmic Queen:

  • Chiron: Alchemizing your challenges into your greatest gifts— gifts that you are meant to share with the world.
  • North Node: Your guiding light and reminder of the way you are meant to create and receive abundance in your life. 
  • Persephone: Understand the maiden to queen journey in your chart so that you can expand your capacity to receive big abundance. 
  • Jupiter: Expansion in targeted areas of life and how to alchemize overwhelm into momentum
  • Working with the elements, seasons, equinoxes & solstices
  • and SO much more

Bonus guests in sound healing, crystal healing, reiki, RRT, breathwork & more

No matter what is happening astrologically you will be so supported. You'll walk away feeling so alive and at ease as you get to work with everything that is unfolding.

See you inside goddess!